

Horary Astrology


Horary Astrology

Horary astrology, also known as Prasna Kundali in Indian astrology, is a branch of astrology that focuses on answering specific questions or concerns through the use of a horoscope cast at the exact moment when the question is asked. It is a divinatory technique that aims to provide insights and answers to the querent's specific query.

Below are key focus areas in Horary astrology and the types of predictions and insights it offers

Moment of the Question

In horary astrology, the astrologer or querent asks a specific question at a particular moment. The horoscope, or Prasna Kundali, is then cast for that precise time and location. The accuracy of the question's timing is crucial to the interpretation of the chart.

Casting the Horary Chart

The astrologer will use the exact date, time, and location of the question to create a chart, typically a simplified version of a natal chart, known as the horary chart. This chart is used to answer the specific question.

Planetary Positions

The positions of the planets at the moment the question is asked are analyzed in the horary chart. Astrologers pay particular attention to the positions of the Moon, which is believed to be highly significant in horary astrology.

Houses and Signs

The astrologer interprets the planets' positions within the astrological houses and signs. The relationships and aspects between the planets are also considered, as they provide insight into the dynamics of the question and the potential outcomes.

Time-Sensitive Nature

Horary astrology is particularly suited for questions that are time-sensitive or of personal importance. Questions about relationships, career, health, lost items, and other specific concerns are commonly addressed using this method.

Rules and Techniques

Horary astrology relies on a set of rules and techniques that have been developed over centuries. These rules govern the interpretation of the horary chart and help the astrologer provide answers to the query.

Divination and Prediction

The primary goal of horary astrology is to offer insights and predictions about the specific question posed by the querent. The astrologer provides guidance and advice based on the analysis of the chart.

Ethical Considerations

Ethical considerations are important in horary astrology, as the astrologer is dealing with personal and often sensitive issues. Many practitioners take care to provide guidance that is helpful and responsible.

Property and Inheritance:

The 4th and 8th houses in the natal chart are associated with property, inheritance, and family resources. We may provide insights into these areas.
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